
17-19 SEPTEMBER 1999

The 11th Annual Meeting of the Society was held from 17-19 September 1999 at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon. The "social" and the Business Meeting were held at the Rogue Bayfront Brewery near the Science Center (Fig. 52). Vice-President Chris Toole, acting in the stead of President Busby who was unable to attend, called the meeting at 2017 hours on 17 September. Only 19 Fellows were in attendance (Fig. 53), including four Founding Fellows and three Council members. Seventeen new members were installed into the Society (Fig. 54, App. 20).110

Under "Old Business," Vice-President Toole addressed the issue of the proposed relationship of the Society with the Society of Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Toole read President Busbyís letter to the Society. To summarize the Presidentís findings: "1) the members of the said Society do have fun and drink beer; 2) the sectional editor for fishes will select reviewers of fish papers; 3) page charges are free to members and $60 per page for nonmembers (with waiver requests considered); 4) dues are $20 and $12 for regular and student membership respectively, which include the journal subscription and discounts for the several books the Society publishes; 5) charter and bye-laws are available for viewing at the Society website; and 6) "Tee"-shirts are available for annual meetings." Fellow Orr was appointed by SNVB as Associate Editor for Fishes for the Northwestern Naturalist. Orr encouraged the GIS membership to submit manuscripts to the journal. Vice-President Toole closed "Old Business." He then passed the gavel to incoming President Rollie White.111

Under "New Business," President White called for nominations for the office of the President. Past President and Society Parliamentarian for Life Pietsch nominated Past President and Historian for Life Jean Richard Dunn. The motion was seconded and passed by vocal acclamation. Fellow Dunn was elected President for the year 2000. President White then appointed Fellow Ronald Allan Fritzsche (1945-) as Vice-President.112

Fellow Weeks asked all Fellows to sign a copy of the book Encyclopedia of Fishes to be presented to the keynote speaker for the banquet on Saturday evening. The meeting adjourned at 2130 hours, 17 September 1999.113

On Saturday 18 September, eighteen papers and one poster were presented (Figs. 55, 56; App. 21). A banquet was the highlight of Saturday evening. The after-banquet speaker was Barry Fisher, a well-known local fisherman.114 A notice of the meeting was published in Copeia (Anon., 2000).

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